Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Just returned from a lovely lunch with my 13 year old son, "Longhorn". I don't want to write about him, out of respect for his privacy, but I'm so proud that in three months he has dedicated himself to healthy eating and exercise and he has totally changed! He has lost 34 lbs. He is an inspiration. He has gotten himself accepted to a top public high school in the nation AND he has transformed himself into a really handsome and healthy guy. (He was always handsome, but now you should see him!) As we sat at lunch before returning him to school I tried to impress upon him that I am one lucky mama. I am so proud of him. He and I are going through that stage that teen-agers go through where he doesn't always like to talk to me, or hear me talk, or even breathe near him in the same room sometimes, for that matter....but he's awesome, and I know that, and if I can just keep teaching myself to BREATHE, in another room, and not take things personally, I think it's going to be alright.


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