Sunday, May 07, 2006


The kids were gone for the week-end and I got SO MUCH DONE. The weather was so beautiful. I went shopping. Along Ave. of the Americas in the 20's. Tried on lots of things but found nothing I liked. I had a $50 gift card from Home Depot so I ended up getting an orchid and some impatiens. Came home and caught up with shopping at the drug store...sunscreen, band-aids, a lot of stuff that the kids need this time of year. Played a wonderful CD of John Pizarelli, all Bosa Nova-type songs, while I ran around doing my errands. Stopped at the grocery store. Cleaned up around the house, laundry, etc.

Today I got up and went to Payless Shoe Source and got some tennies and some pairs of sandals. Came home and washed some windows. And when the kids got home little girl and I went to the Chelsea Garden Center for soil, a new terra cotta pot, and a geranium. That place is expensive, but an oasis on 10th Ave.

What did you do?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa you were busy....real busy! But sounds like you got alot accomplished.

3:59 PM  
Blogger Smiles said...

Hi Annie,
Your weekend sounds really busy. Doesnt the weekend just seem to fly by so quickly? I am glad you had a nice weekend. Take care my friend

6:57 PM  

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