Saturday, May 27, 2006

Memorial Week-end

It's been so busy around here. Thank God for the three-day week-end. Yesterday I took the day off to go with my little girl and her first grade class to lunch at Mama Mexico on the Upper West Side. What a treat! And I'm embarrassed to say I can't remember if there has ever been another time that I ate Mexican and didn't have a margarita. Kind of a trip walking with a classroom of little ones to the subway station in Times Square and getting on the train with them all. I have to say the kids were great both on the trip and at the restaurant. This particular place gives school kids this experience for FREE, so check out Mama Mexica on Broadway between 102 & 103.
This week-end is fleet week here in NYC. Lots of people on their way to see the ships. Great summer weather. We took it easy today. Meandered over to the health club to get my six month membership that I bid for and won at a school auction. We are gonna go tomorrow and maybe Monday as well to swim and sun ourselves on the deck. My son will have his first guitar lesson on Monday early evening...something else I bid on and won at his school auction.
Hope all is well with you folks in bloggerville.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


The show was so great tonight. Taylor singing Stevie Wonder, Elton John and his original song, well, words fail me. My kids and I rocked, rolled and spine-tingled on that last song. How exciting that he will be our American Idol tomorrow night. I've been perusing the blogs of some of the McHaters tonight and you people crack me up! In that J-lo inspired dress her McBooty was aglow. I don't know if that's a good teen-age son thought it was. What was your take on the show? Gotta go. Miss Annie out.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Another Fabulous Week-end

The big party for my son was a huge success! The weather cooperated and the 9th Ave. International Food Festival was great fun. Little girl and I had such a nice time browsing the booths and deciding what to eat. Actually Sat. I ate left-over Mexican food at our home, but she had TWO corndogs at the street fair and we bought a bag of Kettle Corn (cheddar cheese) and I had my once a year slice of Sour cream, walnut apple pie from The Little Pie Company.
My once a year food indulgence is a gyro and since the food festival lasts TWO days, I had my gyro on Sunday.
The fellas that came for the party were well-behaved. They loved the limo ride and a couple of their friends that are girls showed up and took the ride with them....ramping up the fun factor a bit! The car dropped the two ladies off, one uptown, one downtown, and even though they were a half an hour late coming home ("I'm sorry mom I thought you said 11:30, are you mad"), I received a lot of high fives from the guys when they came in the door.
My son thanked me for the party A LOT. And that made me feel so good.
Now time to start planning for my little girl's party. The theme she has chosen this year is RAVEN.
What's up in your world?

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Pampering of a different kind

If you've visited here before you most likely know that my life is focused on babies, children and candy. A sweet combination. But today I took the day off and got my hair cut and high-lighted. Then I treated myself to a manicure and pedicure. Heaven.
Actually I didn't totally take the day off because as I speak I have a sweet baby asleep in her stroller next to me and her slightly bigger sister watching t.v. in the other room with my girl. The parents are out on a date and except for the fact that my son just came home and complained that it's cramping HIS t.v. time all is well in my world.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

This 'n That

Beautiful morning here in the Big Apple. We loved Idol last night. Great songs. Wonder who will go tonight. What do you think? This week-end is the International Food Festival here on 9th Ave. My son's birthday party is Saturday and it will be a 24 hour affair...he and his friends hanging, going to the festival, playing basketball and from 9-11pm taking a nice limo ride around Manhattan. I've been planning the food which has been a lot easier this year.
I've got some clients today but my day starts a little later than usual.
Candy-wise I donated to the SPRING FUN at P.S. 51 festival that will be held June 3rd, 11-4. Located at 520 W. 45th Street.
Also, I got such a kick out of sending some candy to my two favorite bloggers, Deana at Friday Night Fish Fry, and Sherri at Just Me. These ladies have become part of my day and it was nice to give them a treat. They both gave me positive feed-back and we love that!
Got a call from a caterer client last night who left a message about expanding my product line...he has an idea...can't wait to hear what that is. So what's new with you?

Monday, May 15, 2006


Saturday night my son came home with a balloon that said HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! Sunday we woke up and the day couldn't have been more fun. Little girl and I ran to Macy's quickly to return some make-up that I got Sat. that was the wrong stuff. It was a quick trip and a nice walk to and from.
By the time we got back he was done with his homework and we went out for a delicious brunch. My kids were happy and funny and kind to each other and it was one of those rare times when all is right with the world.
Son gifted me with so many things. Things I wanted and things I love. The Pink CD that I have wanted since I heard the song "Mister President" on Rosie O'Donnell's blog, and bath products.
I love bath products!!
We went and saw a great movie, "Akeelah and The Bee". What a wonderful film! We all enjoyed it so much.
We got home just in time to get ready for the finale of "Survivor". We love to get together, the three of us and watch this show. We really get invested in the outcome of this show and I love to see my children snuggling together and enjoying our lives. God is good and I thank Him for all our blessings!

Friday, May 12, 2006


Thanks for worrying about me... my friends from Bloggerville....what a wonderful banquet we had tonight for son's basketball team. My guy won MOST IMPROVED PLAYER. I would say, after losing 50 lbs. since Nov. 28th (the start of the season) I would think you'ld be able to improve your game. The game of life. I am so proud. I've had a few folks out there ask, "How'd he do it?" To me, it's a great story, and when I have the time to tell it properly, I will.

We are all so tired. Him from his 48 hours in Washington D.C. Me from my crazy schedule. I feel the effects of the full moon. Do you?

What are you doing for Mother's Day? Hope it's a good week-end for you all!

Thursday, May 11, 2006


May 12, 1992. TODAY IS HIS BIRTHDAY. Happy 14th birthday! He has been on a field trip to Washington D.C. He is spending the night with his Dad who went on the trip with him...I'm writing this on the evening of May 11. He wants to skip school on his big day so I'm letting him. I have lots of kidlettes coming thru Annie's Kiddie Camp and Day Spa tomorrow. Then in the evening we are celebrating his basketball season with his team and their families at a pot-luck nearby. Not the best way to spend his birthday...seeing as I won't be free 'til 5:30pm and the shindig starts at 6:45pm I think we have decided that little sister and I will give him his presents and celebrate with him AFTER the banquet. We spent some time today making him a cake and decorating it. We made WELCOME HOME and HAPPY BIRTHDAY signs for his return tomorrow. I'm beat.
Hope everyone has recovered from last night's American Idol. You Chris fans are amazing. Heard today that he has already got an offer to front a famous band. He'll do just fine.

Sunday, May 07, 2006


The kids were gone for the week-end and I got SO MUCH DONE. The weather was so beautiful. I went shopping. Along Ave. of the Americas in the 20's. Tried on lots of things but found nothing I liked. I had a $50 gift card from Home Depot so I ended up getting an orchid and some impatiens. Came home and caught up with shopping at the drug store...sunscreen, band-aids, a lot of stuff that the kids need this time of year. Played a wonderful CD of John Pizarelli, all Bosa Nova-type songs, while I ran around doing my errands. Stopped at the grocery store. Cleaned up around the house, laundry, etc.

Today I got up and went to Payless Shoe Source and got some tennies and some pairs of sandals. Came home and washed some windows. And when the kids got home little girl and I went to the Chelsea Garden Center for soil, a new terra cotta pot, and a geranium. That place is expensive, but an oasis on 10th Ave.

What did you do?

Thursday, May 04, 2006


So, I know, I left you hanging there in regards to my week-end. Even my teen-ager said, "Wow, Mom, what a blessing!", when I carted in our beautiful new beveled mirror in an intricate wooden carved frame that looks stunning over our sofa. I got a few lamps, a coffee-maker, some beautiful plates and dishes, towels, sheets...let's see, my girl got three soft stuffed animals and a lovely Irish doll on a stand. Tupperware, silverware....what a wonderful gift.

Thanks to the Aaronson's for being such givers! I know, I know, you were going back on a plane and had to put the stuff out in the trash before your landlord did his final walk-through, but under the circumstances, you'll never know how much your "stuff" means to me and my kids!
Good-luck in Florida!

Sunday we went on a shopping spree for my son....he has lost over 50 lbs. so he needed quite a few things. Got him a set of 20 lb. weights. He's really looking forward to his 14th birthday.

Hope all is going well with everyone. More later!

Monday, May 01, 2006


I have to say that this week-end ranks up there as one of the best ever. Not that we did anything particularly special...just that we did a lot of different, little things....the weather was nice and we got a lot accomplished. Little girl and I returned books to the library and took our microwave popcorn pack to some POPCORN place in Times's famous, I just can't remember it's name...They had a promotion where you take your stinky old popcorn to them (sorry Orville) and they give you a super duper bag of their popcorn in return..."as seen on The Today Show". Their popcorn comes drizzled with chocolate or caramel or cheese or whatever. We ate lunch at a famous fried chicken place (thanks Colonel) and stopped and rented the video of "Woodstock" for my son, Longhorn, to view. He's doing a Social Studies exit project on Jimi Hendrix. (Don't ask...hopefully it's a cautionary tale, but Social Studies?)

When we got back to the homestead we noticed an old friend of my little girls whose family has been in Florida for the year to determine whether they want to move there or stay here. They have managed to keep their apartment in the meantime and....I'll cut to the chase....they were back to get rid of all their stuff and make the big move. Little girl and I went to their apartment and I got sooooooooooo much really cool stuff. Can't wait to tell you more, but gotta go to work. Part Two later....